๐šโŠนโ‚Š boundaries + extra info .

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extra info about me

๐šโŠนโ‚Š boundaries .


โœช please do not send paragraphs, it is hard to read + it gives me extreme anxietyโœช if i don't know you that well, do not make freaky jokes, it makes me highly uncomfortable.โœช if you are old friends/partners from 2023, do not contact me.โœช communication is hard for me as i struggle with social interaction and fear confrontation. i need reassurance that my communication is acceptable. just know that your communication with me is always acceptable. i look forward to resolving issues maturely without judgement or fear.

๐šโŠนโ‚Š extra info about me .


โœช sometimes i become extremely paranoid, but i will usually state so in my status (discord) or straight up message you.โœช sometimes i ramble and go on for a while, let me know if this bothers you/ask me to stop if its too overwhelming.โœช i have very odd humor (like toilet humor, freaky humor, "cringe" humor) let me know if this bothers you.โœช i do not accept friend requests from people i don't know. this is for safety and privacy reasons. (i do make exceptions, however, such as, if we've conversated before and if i think its safe enough to contact you)